Monday, March 13, 2006

writings for the morning

i've committed to blogging in the mornings- i've yet to do it.
i'm going to sleep now 10:45 pm so that i can wake up at 5:00am.
a number of posts ago( and a number of months ago) dark daughta sked me to write about my pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage. i have - but it is buried among the published journaling, emails and unpublished blog drafts.
so. in the morning that is one thing i will write about.
in the morning i also want to write about how i feel about having begun repayment in earnest- with no chance of me backsliding. i feel a lot of ways about it...
more in the a-m.
i've also commited to respond to other azanians blogs. at work today i read some of bongafish's recent posts and i'll post to her blog some of my comments.
to start.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

i'm publishing this so that i dont hide it out in draft form . its readable but barely. lots of threads

the versions of leaving modeled- - i had asked zanamito at a later meeting whether he had ever gone through something difficult and come through the other side

leaving .the dialogues i am having with myself are about lookign at the aspects of what i know-that i guess the question is what have i actually learned - when i say i hace moved and grown work and consistencey-about cutting off not communicating and trust

i shouldnt lie to myself. i think i would make really self destructive choices to spite azania if i didnt agree to be accoutnable - i would do things that would be hurtful to me primaril;y but in my passive agreessivity im sure i would ensure that word got out that it was in reaction to my time in azania that i was doin all this strange shit-
example: today i was thinking and feeling resentfull that so much of who i present myself is a reflection is the result o f azania - i was annoyed that i would have to reference dark daughta all the time and i did nt want to - i didn twant to appear so intellectually emotionally dependent- so malleable so influenced- the very thing i keep inviting (non azanians) into

what i know i am strugglin g with.
and i am.
its the same struggle with myself no matter where i am
-why i am moving.
i dont want to be here.
i dont want the landlady around
i want no one in earshot
the one person i am saying i will be accountable to now - what will that look like

.the move and distance
is it my father all over again?
i dont think its him verbatim- i think it is also honouring myself- my life my expereince

-is my taking this space regardless of anything or anyone light skinned privelege?

my saying the w ork of honesty or communication in a group that can/will take it to a certain place is not crucial to me not immediate to me would certainly be different i felt it was survival for me.

commitment ritual to myself- i do want azanians to witness it - not so they can watchme prioritize my lightskinned skinny straightpresenting self - but it might be of interest because i t is hinged-
actually no that's energy i want
i think maybe it s enought to just do the things i said i would do to repay.

but what do i want my relatonships to look like? like food in the fridge - do i want to request energy and attention in a context where i am participating fully ?here again i have a reaction- that sounds like comparison , competition, domination, set up of others' expectations of me""what are MY expections of me? what would i expect full participation to look like?
i dont think its so different from what others have outlined - ii thjust think that i up to this point have refused to own it. to say this is mine to create- azania is MY community - i am giving My time energy - life to- what would i expect of someone coming in ? what was it i had been asking when i was thinkign about an organization, a collective? passion. i had said the first critieria was that the person say clearly that the work we would do would dovetail 100% with what they wanted to do - not as an aside from their lives - or wone more thign to do- but rather it was their lives and they were passionate about it.what would i do with someone like me who is assertin that they dont have a plan - a goal - a direction in life and that thats their thing- thats they were in fact passionate about not building nonsense schemes that were lies. no more over promising -lying - distracting others from their work because they wanted their attention and validation. christ . flash o f me relating to an older blck woman at a carribean community center and ho w i had courted her - then started asking myself sone questions about why - beyond seeming powerbrokering - or manuvering- why was i doing it consistently

...flashing to being in darkdaughta' s kitchen pre azania adn talking about wanting to create a school- but then throughout 2 years of not doing that recognizing that it was a relationship tha i wanted- it was relating , thinking, feeling, that i was asking for and simultaneously reacted to and recoiled from.


been thinking of brezney

At its best, a study of astrology illuminates your choices and leaves the choosing up to you. It helps you understand that your fate is never set in stone, but is always susceptible to the command of your free will. In that spirit, I've got a quiz for you to take. Here are four pairs of equally possible outcomes. Meditate on each pair, and decide which you'd prefer to induce in the coming week: (1) simmering happiness versus crazed longing; (2) love packed with chewy riddles versus infatuation that only temporarily frees you; (3) practical enthusiasm versus dizzying highs; (4) slow, epic bursts of subtle progress versus out-of-this-world fantasies.

rob brezney, freewill astrology

Thursday, March 09, 2006

i'm reading phoenix s last few posts- and bonga fishes...
that they are feeling. that they are hurting. that in the mix i am adding to it. and i feel like crying with them and alternately distancing from those feelings , saying this is not for me. phoenix's tears are not for you. bongafishs tears are not an invitation to come closer. to put an arm around either of them.
let me not do healer- out- of- habit (and out of the context of what i've done and am doing in Azania.)

i notice also that i am not attracted to joy to excitement the same way - i appoach excitement with more caution- especilaly in Azania because its meant movement- meant projects meant my cycle of performance anxiety and domination and competition and guilt. all external responses what will they ask me to do? i dont really wan tto do it- buti'll say yes becasue i have to pull my weight and i'vev gotten so much - and everyone else is doign something-
- yes thta really is what goes through my head when peopel bring me new of pending excitement. i cringe. and thats something else i need to sit with- what has/ will become of my ability to dream now that its seen, stood in fron tof and ran away from the work to make it a reality.

i do howerver ask myself hmm how can this new thing o tnhe tablefurther my non movemtn - ie how can it support me - ho wcan i benfit from it- and there is the poin tof insertion. of interest - of even being inspired. will i benefit- will my mem me alone me first be satisfied.

theysay victime stance self loathing all that stuff is just another form of narcissism.
in the spring i remember telling my uncle about what i was tryimn got do within azania (the altruistic version) i showed him the cards i had made with things to remember- ways to pull myself out of whatever emotional sandstorm i was creating to be stucjk in at the time(note to self: i dont fully beleive that part where i say" to be stuck in.) i still partially say that as performance because it sounds like i am being critical of what i do with my emotions- but im also - not fully all the time beleiving that my emotions the fear, the are not real and are fabrications with an ulterior motive or distracting me from change - from growth...holding me back.
fuck- and so the flash comes of what if all fo this is me blocking myself from movenm- what if my emotions- are lies even now- or my lack of emotions- or my ideaa that moving will be good fro me and my relationship will flourish. i need to think about the taking space with underlying conflict thing i was wroiing about germain. --or at least i need to speak to it as something that i know i do.
but something that i want to do in a healthy way- that i really do want to honor my need to be alone while still not ducking responsaibility and accountability-
i told him that it was a case of etending and expanding beyond mememem. his only comment was a small chuckle, "that's a tough one".
it's something i've done for a long time- responded to tears- understanding them as more real than a clear voice saying i am hurt i am angry. i t is how i allow myself to keep inflicting harm when i am being told, clearly, with a good volume, that phoenix, that seminalson, that bongafish, that biafra, that Captain Nemo, that darkdaughta and the new baby, that i have hurt each one.

After i wade through the why's of why i only respond to someone yelling at me ( my mother's response of choice) or crying about it(my response of choice) there is the end result that none of this is enough to move me. no tears, no yelling, no actual or threatened violence. just this painfully slow and wrenching (and gratifying)process of opening to feeling- allowing love for myself to move me. guilt hasn't moved me, regret hasn't moved me. i think that accepting all my fucked up self will move my life. and out side of wanting to please anybody - acting out of any sense of duty or obligation or ethic that isnt mine.

i think of the times when any Azanian has cried i certainly have cried more than i've spoken- all the while finding my tears weak, and shamefull. i remember watching hearing others cry and thinking - wait- their tears dont seem week and shamefull to in the end it was me -hating my own tears- the leakage from my emotional repression. the stuff that gets away when i'm doing my damnest to not give anyone the satisfaction of riling me - of seeing me affected by their observations, their words especially words that they know i am hurt by
they were words i hadn't claimed for myself. liar theif stepford wife from hell - and i heard them as attacks right up until i was alone with my action and those words came easily- taz you just lied- why did you do that?- taz, you know youre stealing time- is this what you're doing?

In Azania it's been pointed out to me that tears - my tears -were my anger- not sadness- and that they were strategy and manipulation if they were meant to be understood as benign expressions of emotion. i used to get even angrier- feeling misunderstood and trapped in a hell where everyone thought the worst of me. me who wasnt trying to be difficult.

i also at first used what was being said as a way to back up my own self punishment- that i didnt deserve to cry- that tears were disgraceful. i remember then externalizing my own self hatred as anger towards tha darker skinned Azanians who where saying that my shade was informing my readiness to cry - that i expected to be held/comforted/ sympathised with- and that they as darker skinned would be seen as tormenting me when in fact the whole conversation would have been about what harm i was doing to them.

i would be angry- frustrated - "this whole building with darker skinned peopel is not workable for me. - what is this??!" Angry that i had been asked to express my emotions yet i was being denied my tears- that my lighter shade meant that i was being robbed of the opportunity to just cry- and not have my tears be seen in a historical political social framework where i was the oppressive, colonizing presence silencing darker skinned people.

now? now i think i had better figure out what i'm goign to do with the fact that i act like a upperclass victorian white woman, cause she 's been sitting in my body in my mannerisms in my speech in my emotional respression,in anti- joyful- plenty- loudsex prudishness
and when she's dabbing at her tears she really is diffusing a murderous rage.
and shes been killing me and hates me and hates darker skinned women even more.

i've spent my whole life looking for acceptance
looking for validation wanting to belong
and i knew- i knew i had told myself years ago that if i kept looking for belonging outside of myself i would keep moving from place to place from group to group. thinking this one will be the one-
because i' learnt from the last one
because i'm wiser
because i m learning - to be stronger in myself- in my self concept
my self value(a real on - not an inflated0ne, one that's a cover for not loving myself)
and what about taking? was my altruistic "i want to work with others" also - i want to be held by a number of people so that i dont have to work so that i can indulge in only the very easiest of my dreams, - or not at a ll- so that i can keep moving and be unrooted and unreachable and unaccountable when people come knocking for their stuff back- or asking for me to take my stuff out of their space- seeing as how i'm not in it anymore...

i remember how i felt the day i responded to darkdaughtas regular requests to see - that she needed to see me fully fo r her own safety and security in relation to me
i wrote all the things that i had previously hidden all the things that i did that i felt were unflattering - destructive and harmful things (that i either enjoyed doing- or was conflicted about doing , but did them anyway. or hated doing, and did them anyway) it was a book of awful secrets a layer of myself i had never revealed to my own eyes in such detail. and as i was writing i felt as if i was changin g- like the world around me the air the quality of the light in the subway was changing- i sat on the subway platformand wrote and wrote and didnt wnt to stop i was terrified and excillerated. who was i? what would i become? how would the world interact with me when i was no longer so binded by fear?
i also remember comming to unthanksgiving last year i was coming shortly after having written all this i was coming unsure of what any oth e stuff that i said i do would play out. in time i becang to deny hte thingd i had said - tried to revert to the earlier self concetp of myself as being all good all the time- trying to put back venner on my interaction with anzanians wherever they attempted to pick and peel some off.
i am tempted to say - no i will say that is what you invited. this is it. and this is me saying thanks its been all things to me. and taking in to consideration who i am
given who i am

i can commit to azania and not hide who i am and what i like and what i want to do in my life. like
i am a controllin - manipulative woman who doesnt see why i cont get my own way. and i will just remove myself from the scenario/ if that is denied. i bekeive stroonglyy in my right to choose it is a right - because people create their ethics- on a per person basis.
i rembember bonga fish on the phone saying you have no ethics. i also remeber the woman doing my chart saying scorpio is not concerned with ethics.
and i realized that this place is my domain.
this place of the reality of open eyed cruelty is my domain.
and not because i was subjected to it beyond human tolerace( this is a defense of my bio family - iknow) and so am a deranged individual
- but it is the flip side to our freedom to build, to create alternate reality, to free our minds of the aftificial laws and restrictions we are handed at birth - the same way we with a flick of the mind swithsh change perception in terms of ,say, our separateness to each other and occupy a realtyity where we understand ourselves as identical bilogy plugged in to the same conciousness, occupyin gthe same earth we can as well be out on the lake and realize that there was nothing between on eof use drowning the other but an indoctination that is t illegal and the fear that we might gte caught. i had a fleeting moment of bein gin the shoes of a murdered and understanding how it si possible. the moer i have been in azzania and seent he violence in me the more i understand that i am not apart- i am not better than higher than unable to torure to kill to stab to wring the life out of another person. whats more is everysingle being has that capacity - and that choice. i guess we choos eto what exrent and ho wna dto what degree we think its okay to harm others- to what degree our experince of pain informs our desire to do similarly to others close to us.
i spent most of my life repressing that i had anything in me but good intention. as my self concept grew- it incoporated the spiritual as well- idenrifyin gwith christ even as my uncle talked about the devil as the mask of god. that darkness wetness caves what was hidden , the grave and the womb were places that were loathed by the male psyche, by patriarchy i wanted to build i wanted to do somrthing important i wanted to sucedd in the report card competition kind of way. i wanted to be on time to participate to be active - go go go - why should being a questing hoero only be the domain of the dude. i think there is a hazard in occupying archetypes. especially just one.
i try to at leadsast in m yhead remindmyself when i am saing that i am all thta is reviled i keep in minnd that i am all that is cheriched i am not occupying a balanced place in the middle rightnow- i thin ki;ve livedin this aboveground place so long- that to get to authernic building its going to have to come out of what i make while i'm in my little hovel.
an di do want that- its not a woe is me - its not a deprivation- i do want abundance - i wan t abundance of me. i want to be as overtly me- centric as i have been covertly ( as so sabotaged azania which was supposed to be coolective and child an d future focused.)
i was thinking aboutthe witches motto of do as you wish and hurt no one.
i disagree.
i will hurt you
you will hurt me
i have begun going in to relationships with that understanding now- having started with zanamito - but i coulndt hold it as a reality- i keprt trying to deny it away deny potenial problems - hold fast to my fantasies and prolong them as long as possible.
how is what i'm doing different than biafra?
i am not mourning azania
i am not nostalgic about azania
because azania was my hand in the box.
it was not the end product it was the initiation.
for all of us
the only thing i think is off about biafra leaving is that i dind t get the chance to tell her( no - i hesitated- i wasn tsure- crap. but i didn tshare what i had known.) dont leave. now- go into it and come out- yes its hell yes its torure- especially since you were used to having a lot of other voices feeding your rage resentment blame cycles. but if you had known - trusted in a process that is dependable and cyclical that you would come up and out of it-.. thats what my process was- the longer i wasnt getting the constant feed of darkdaughta' questions thoughts , words time energy- i began to remeber and recallolder question older converstaions and began to peice them togather- actaully stated in my day to day - havingf the converstations she had expected - and i ts a reasonable conversation - exepc with someon so defensive - so anticipating and heaaring attack in everything - wjho had not broached those topics previous and ewas 1100% reactive to even being questioned.
and i can say that ive identified this as something that is me- thta im okay with being mem this time- delay in response- it means me saying this is one of the ways in which i will hurt you. i will cycle through a number of reactions i will worlk them out i will eventually get to whats being asked it will evoke a series of memory i will hace emotional reactions to i will find within thaose reaction s words that describe how i feel and why- i will invite you to ewngage with theat-
we weill tangent.
i will return to the topic at hand and now - having done with the emotional masturbation- i will offer what i may have thought about the topic. the first layer after all that.
i read this and it really self indulgent.
that is were i am .
not at denying it- i think that al the things i do that i am saying i will do - i understand to be finite- in that they will shift.
i realized in azania another thing that i am thinking is something that i can use towards preempting my performance anxiety- that the angles to my behavior , and parts of my identiy to look at are in fact limited. so that i can mediate
when others stopped askign me what i was doing i started. and i was able to join them in those crtical views of my tantrums of my blocks... because i wasnt only bouncing their words back to them i was actually having a dialigue with myself and
i think our voices can work it out-
like it did for darkdaugfhta when we wwerent all there demanding and draining o f her- feed us tell us stand still while we project.
and put your life on hold for us.
i think its absurd what i am doing . absurd and not of this .. reason. it is beyond .. i dont know

no its okay to not be liked
i dont know how i feel about loving
i don tknow about my capacity to love
again i hear one older aspect of myself affirming that every being has a n infinite and sublime capacity to love. and within that a litle dot that says- "but sometimes i wonder whether i'm closed- a little cold- what if i'm overestimated the reality of me- and my capacity to love"
and then i looked at the time and i had been typing for six hours and it was getting dark and i was still at work, on their computer...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

More succinctly,

I can and will speak clearly.

I will deposit my last check from my last job in the saving account when it comes.

My pay from the new job will be directly deposited into my checking account march 17.

I agree to the dates set out in Bongafish’s counter proposal as well as the terms.
As Bonga pointed out on the phone with me last night , these are her first thoughts and she si just one person.
But as far as having 2009 as the scope for repayment that is the time frame I committed to participate in Azania,I green that.

I will like someone whom I who knows first hand what I do, who experienced me living couch surfing at her place, lived with me and shared her resources and paid a large portion of my rent over the course of a year with the expectation that I would be ensuring that I like everyone else would be working to their full capacity to make the house , a collective of five, work and last. Here too I invited others to carry me- and I communicated even less. Eventually after the rent money that was paid for me by the two white women in the household began to accumulate our relationships were strained and eventually all members parted ways to some extent.
My mother took her money and paid what most of what I owed.
I would like my mother and the woman who I deceived and used, to sign or at leaset be aware that a) I have recreated a situation where ihave profited from a community I said I wanted to build and in not feeding ti and supporting it, I destroyed it.

so i think to what i was about to do in relation to repayment. i am still offering things that arent mine. or- things that should they be given to me i am not accepting or asking them with an understanding that i am to give something back. so in the case of this store discount... Imyself don’t have a discount I don’t work there. I just committed to taking something from someone who I don’t know- seeing no reason why they would not be generous with me.
And offering him exactly what I did with azania- saying I would offer you something – but I don’t have anything to offer.

I still don’t have anything- the money I make here I already spent on me- Its everything that was given to me while I said hold on .I'm is coming.

If I were to step out of this I would look at myself and say good. Good for her. A whole lifetime of people just giving her things- of her creating a politic and spiritual understanding of the universe as everyone needs to give me things. The universe gives me things. People who have a lot of things and make me pay for it are bad. Everyone needs to band against these thieves who are stealing what’s rightfully mine.
But you can t have mine- because I don’t have anything. And what I do have, nontangibly speaking (love, attention, engagement)- I’m afraid to give you. Because then I’ll have less- or because then I would have to wonder why I’m taking everyone else’s’ when I can have/make my own.
Oh yes! Because then it would leave me with no other conclusion than TAZ! You don’t want to work. And because you don’t want to work- you would have it so that no one else worked – and you wouldn’t be so conspicuous in your not working.

But guess what. My not working is on the backs of other people working. So I’ve chosen to not look at how it is I take from those who are working so that I can continue to subscribe to my we need to not be working philosophy.

But when I go to these jobs I really do get enraged- I cry and stamp my feet. It isn’t right. How is it we sit in cubicles all day and make money making nonsense- how is this life? What have we done? Surely I must be on to something when I say no – we need to be breathing. Living. working , yes, the land- but

(screeching halt- in that second I could almost hear darkdaughta asking on whose land? Are you going to share your analysis of “working the land”- being on first nations land- or does that complicate your philosophizing Taz ?)

One of the many things darkdaughta observed in my actions oven the course of this year in Azania was that I presented myself as altruistic often as an acceptable seeming , even evolved cover for something I didn’t want to be seen as (or admit to myself that I was). I wanted to be the generous sharing compassionate healer. i haven’t done this. I haven’t been this.
.Maybe I’m not stamping around for anyone but me-
enraged that I’m busted and I’m just crying for me because my career as a mooch stealer has ended.